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Reiki Energy Healing

The Japanese word Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) translates to Universal Life Force Energy and is referred to as hands on healing or energy healing. 


Reiki provides a holistic approach to wellness by: 

  • balancing the energies of the mind, body, and spirit

  • removing toxins and blockages 

  • initiating the body's innate ability to heal 


This profoundly simple therapeutic technique is gentle enough to be used safely on anyone regardless of age or health condition. Reiki sessions are modified and personalized for all ages, including infants, toddlers, teenagers, adults, and seniors. 

After receiving a treatment, clients describe feeling more relaxed, focused and refreshed. This can be attributed to the removal of toxins and blockages residing in the physical body as well as the ethereal layers of the auric field (or energy field). As sessions continue, clients delve deeper into their own healing process resulting in a balanced, lasting state of being. 

Kamela completed reiki training with Gayle Joseph, Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and founder of the Cedar Water Healing Lodge.

Reiki certifications include Reiki I, II and III

Advanced training includes Reiki-infused Bodywork, Chakra Balancing, Trauma Release, and Guided Imagery and Dialogue, Pendulum Testing, and Remote Healing.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, Kamela teaches Reiki I, II & III Certification Classes, offers Reiki Master mentoring, and one-on-one Energy Healing Mentorship for students who are Reiki I & II certified.

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